Trends Archives - New Reality Tehnologii Blog dedicated to augmented reality technologies Tue, 06 Jun 2023 13:32:01 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Trends Archives - New Reality Tehnologii 32 32 The Impact of Augmented Reality on the Retail Industry Tue, 06 Jun 2023 13:31:59 +0000 Introduction to Augmented Reality and the Retail Industry Augmented Reality (AR) is a technology that superimposes a digital overlay onto the physical world. It enhances the user’s experience by providing extra layers of information or visuals that can be experienced within the existing environment. This technology has far-reaching implications, and it holds huge potential for […]

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Introduction to Augmented Reality and the Retail Industry

Augmented Reality (AR) is a technology that superimposes a digital overlay onto the physical world. It enhances the user’s experience by providing extra layers of information or visuals that can be experienced within the existing environment. This technology has far-reaching implications, and it holds huge potential for the retail industry.

In recent years, the retail industry has experienced a significant shift due to technological advancements. With the growth of e-commerce, brick-and-mortar stores are facing increased competition from online retailers. It is becoming increasingly important for physical stores to find innovative ways to interact with customers in order to remain competitive. AR technology is the perfect tool for this purpose, it can provide a unique and immersive experience that will keep customers coming back.

AR in the retail setting can be used to do a variety of things, including providing interactive product displays, virtual try-on experiences, and even customized shopping advice. By utilizing this technology, companies can personalize the shopping experience for their customers and give them a reason to come back.

A great example of this is Amazon’s AR View, which gives shoppers the ability to visualize products in their own home before buying. This helps customers make informed decisions about the products they purchase and also gives them an added sense of confidence in their purchases.

As AR technology continues to become more prevalent in the retail industry, it will be essential for brick-and-mortar stores to stay ahead of the curve by taking advantage of this technology. It is clear that AR holds great potential for the retail industry and could provide a key point of difference between physical and online stores.

Advantages of Implementing Augmented Reality in Retail

Augmented Reality (AR) is a fast-growing technology that is being incorporated into the retail industry. It adds a layer to the traditional customer experience by allowing customers to explore products in more depth and allowing retailers to enhance their store content. From both the customer’s and business’s perspective, there are many advantages to leveraging AR in the retail environment.

For customers, AR allows them to interact with products in a more engaging way. By providing an augmented view of the product, customers can get a better idea of the look and feel of the product before committing to a purchase. This makes it easier for customers to make informed decisions and helps to reduce returns. Customers can also benefit from AR as it provides an immersive shopping experience. Brands can use AR to create interactive experiences that bring products to life, including virtual product demonstrations and 3D product models. This provides customers with a fun and memorable experience that encourages brand loyalty.

Retailers can use AR to boost their sales by increasing customer engagement and providing additional product information. From a business perspective, AR can be used to personalize offers and display targeted content. This allows the retailer to customize the in-store experience based on each customer’s individual preferences. Additionally, retailers can use AR to collect data on customer behavior, which can be used to refine marketing strategies and improve the customer experience. Finally, AR can help reduce costs by streamlining the inventory process and providing shoppers with helpful product information.

Overall, the advantages of using AR in retail are plentiful. From the customer’s perspective, it provides an immersive shopping experience that encourages brand loyalty. From the business’s perspective, it can help save time and money, personalize offers, and gather customer data. With the rise of AR technology, it is becoming increasingly important for retailers to leverage this technology to provide an engaging and satisfying shopping experience for their customers.

The Current Uses of AR in the Retail Industry

Augmented Reality (AR) is a type of technology that enhances an existing environment with computer-generated images. It is being increasingly utilized by the retail industry to provide customers with an enhanced shopping experience. This technology can be used to display product information, create interactive experiences, and provide a more personalized customer experience. Here, we will look at how AR is currently being used in the retail industry.

Product Visualization

AR can be used to help customers visualize how products will look in their home before they buy it. By using AR, customers can virtually ‘try out’ furniture pieces, appliances, and other items in their home to make sure it fits and looks good. This approach to shopping can save time, money, and allow customers to shop with more confidence.

Product Demonstrations

Retailers are also using AR to provide customers with product demonstrations. For example, a customer may use an AR app to ‘try on’ clothes or makeup, helping them decide which items to purchase. This not only saves time but also allows customers to experiment with different styles and colors without having to leave their house.

Interactive Experience

One of the most exciting applications of AR is its ability to create interactive experiences for customers while shopping in brick and mortar stores. Retailers can use this technology to create interactive displays, educational activities, and other engaging experiences for customers. This approach gives consumers a memorable shopping experience, and can help to drive up sales for the retailer.

Personalized Experience

AR can also be used to provide personalized experiences for customers. Retailers can use AR to create virtual avatars that suggest items to customers based on their style, body shape, and preferences. This helps customers narrow down their choices and makes it easier to find the perfect item for them.

As you can see, there are many ways that AR is being used by the retail industry. The combination of AR and retail has the potential to revolutionize the shopping experience and make it easier, more enjoyable, and more personal.

Examining the Challenges of Integrating AR in Retail

Augmented Reality (AR) is a technology that layers digital content over physical objects in the real world. It is becoming increasingly popular in the retail industry, as it offers customers a unique shopping experience. However, integrating AR into retail stores can be a challenging task.

The first challenge is the high cost of implementation. As with any new technology, integrating AR into retail requires significant investment. Businesses must invest in the software, hardware, and personnel needed to operate the technology. Additionally, businesses must also ensure that their equipment is compatible with the AR application they are using, which can increase costs.

Another challenge businesses face when implementing AR is the complexity of the technology. AR systems are often complex and require significant technical knowledge. This can be a challenge for businesses that lack the necessary resources or expertise. Additionally, businesses must make sure that the software used for AR is up-to-date and compliant with all relevant regulations.

A third challenge businesses face when integrating AR into retail is customer acceptance. Some customers may not be familiar with AR and may feel intimidated by the technology. Businesses must ensure that they not only provide a smooth user experience but that they also educate customers on the benefits of using their AR systems. Additionally, businesses should make sure that their AR systems are accessible, secure, and reliable.

Finally, businesses must consider the security and privacy implications of using AR in retail. As AR collects data about customers, businesses must take precautions to protect customer data. This includes ensuring that all data is encrypted and stored securely. Additionally, businesses must be aware of any relevant legislation regarding data protection.

Integrating AR into retail can be a challenging task, but the rewards can be great. Businesses that successfully implement AR into their operations will reap the rewards of providing customers with an enhanced shopping experience. They will also benefit from increased efficiency in their operations as well as cost savings in the long-term.

Exploring How AR has been Implemented in Retail Stores

Augmented Reality (AR) technology has become increasingly popular over the last several years, and many retail stores around the world are now beginning to incorporate AR into their stores. AR is a type of interactive technology that allows users to interact with digital content in their physical environment by using a device such as a smartphone or tablet. When implemented correctly, AR can provide an engaging and immersive shopping experience for customers.

Retailers are using AR in a variety of ways, from virtual try-on booths where customers can put on virtual clothes and makeup, to interactive displays that can provide product information when scanned with the camera on your mobile device. Some stores have even created custom AR-based apps to provide customers with rich product content and exclusive offers. There’s also a range of tools available for retailers to develop AR experiences tailored to their specific needs.

AR has been used to enhance the overall customer experience as well. For example, some stores have implemented AR navigation systems that allow customers to find their way around the store with ease. Other stores are taking advantage of AR services like 3D visualizers that allow customers to see how furniture will look in their own home before making a purchase.

As the popularity of AR increases, more retailers are looking for ways to leverage this technology to enhance their customer experiences. Retailers can use AR to provide more engaging marketing campaigns, create more immersive in-store experiences, personalize customer service, and build stronger relationships with shoppers. With its potential to drive sales and increase customer loyalty, AR is quickly becoming an essential part of modern retail.

Analyzing the Potential Future Development of Augmented Reality in Retail

Augmented Reality (AR) is quickly becoming the most cutting-edge technology in the retail industry. As the technology advances, it is revolutionizing how customers interact with products and stores. With its potential to create immersive and personal experiences, AR is quickly becoming an essential tool for retailers. So what can we expect to see in terms of future development of AR in retail?

First, retailers can look forward to more sophisticated technology that will allow them to customize their customer experience even further. For example, they can use facial recognition technology to identify customers and offer personalized recommendations or discounts. This could include being able to search for items with voice recognition as well. Additionally, retailers could also experiment with interactive displays which would make shopping a more engaging experience.

Furthermore, with the increasing popularity of virtual reality, retailers have an exciting opportunity to create unique virtual shopping experiences. With this technology, customers can explore a 3D store and interact with products in a virtual environment. This could even be used to host special events such as ‘virtual fashion shows’ or ‘product demos’.

Finally, one of the most promising developments for AR in retail is the advancement of ‘augmented analytics’. Using data captured from customers, retailers will be able to use advanced analytics to gain insights into their customers’ behavior and preferences, enabling them to curate tailored experiences for each and every customer.

As technology continues to develop, so will the uses of AR in retail. With its potential to create unique and immersive experiences, it is sure to shape the future of the industry. It is clear that the possibilities that AR offers are virtually endless, making it a must-have technology for any ambitious retailer.

Summing Up the Ways Augmented Reality Can Be Leveraged for a Retail Business

Augmented Reality (AR) has immense potential for use in the retail industry, offering customers an interactive shopping experience that they can enjoy from the comfort of their homes. AR technology can be used to help businesses create interactive displays that allow customers to view products and engage with them in ways that are much more engaging than static displays. It also offers the ability to provide customers with additional personalized information and assistance for added convenience. The following sections will discuss the various ways in which augmented reality can be leveraged for a retail business.

Augmented Reality For Shopping Assistance

One of the most popular uses for augmented reality is in providing customers with detailed product information and assistance. Through AR technology, customers can access product descriptions, prices, availability, and other relevant information, aiding them in making an informed decision. Augmented reality can also be used to provide customers with assistance when it comes to selecting the right products or services.

Augmented Reality To Enhance the Shopping Experience

Another way in which augmented reality can be used for a retail business is to provide customers with an enhanced shopping experience. This could include using AR-based virtual dressing rooms, where customers can try on clothes without having to physically visit the store. Additionally, businesses can implement AR-based technology to make the shopping experience more interactive and immersive, allowing customers to explore products in 3D and get a better understanding of them.

Augmented Reality To Increase Sales

Finally, augmented reality can be leveraged to increase sales for a retail business. By introducing virtual reality features into their stores, businesses can make their products more enticing and enticing customers to buy them. AR-based technologies can also be used to track customer behavior in order to generate targeted marketing campaigns and communicate better with potential buyers.

In conclusion, Augmented Reality can bring a lot of benefits to a retail business and help them to better engage customers and drive sales. From increasing shopping assistance, to enhancing the shopping experience, and increasing sales; Augmented Reality can open up a number of new possibilities for retailers and give them an edge in their market.

Examples of Retailers Successfully Implementing AR into their Business

Augmented reality (AR) has become increasingly popular in the retail industry as businesses look for new ways to engage shoppers and enhance their experience. Many large retailers have already implemented the use of AR, with great success. Here are some examples to illustrate how AR can be used to improve the customer’s journey.


IKEA is a global leader when it comes to using AR in their business. The company created an app that allows shoppers to see what furniture would look like in their own home before they buy it. Customers can simply place the product in their room and use their phone camera to view the item as if it were in their space. This gives customers the confidence to make informed decisions about their purchases.


Beauty and cosmetics retailer Sephora has also embraced AR technology. They created an app that allows consumers to virtually try on makeup products before they buy them. Consumers can take a selfie and use the app to visualize how the product would look before purchasing. This has helped the company to increase customer engagement and sales.


Retailer Target has recently released an AR app that allows customers to purchase products directly from their home. Using the app, customers can scan their entire room and select items from the virtual catalogue that they want to purchase. This makes shopping more convenient and offers customers a unique shopping experience.

These are just a few of the big players who have successfully implemented AR into their businesses. These examples show that AR can be a powerful tool for engaging customers and increasing sales. With the right implementation, AR can provide a revolutionary experience for the customer.

Comparing Augmented Reality to Other Technologies in Retail

The retail industry is ever-evolving, with new technologies being introduced to enhance customer experiences and boost profits. Seeing the potential of technology to revolutionize retail, many companies have considered implementing new forms of technology into their business. One such technology is Augmented Reality (AR), which has become more popular in recent years. But how does AR compare to other types of technologies used in retail?

One of the key distinctions between AR and other technologies is its interactivity. Unlike traditional technologies such as flat panel screens and hardware terminals, AR uses a combination of the physical and digital world to create interactive experiences. This makes it a powerful tool for retailers who want to engage customers by providing personalized experiences. Additionally, compared to other technologies, AR requires less hardware and can be implemented quickly and at minimal cost.

Another advantage of using AR is its ability to provide immersive experiences. AR allows customers to explore products and services in an interactive way, allowing them to get a better understanding of what they’re buying and use their imaginations to visualize the product in their own environment. This level of immersion is not achievable with traditional technologies such as websites or video displays.

However, some challenges come with using AR in retail. AR technology is still in its early stages and not as widely available as other technologies such as smartphones or tablets. Additionally, AR technology requires higher bandwidth than most devices are capable of providing, which can be a challenge for some businesses. Lastly, AR still requires a significant amount of upkeep, so retailers must be prepared to invest in the technology and make sure it is kept up to date.

In conclusion, Augmented Reality is a powerful tool in the retail industry that can provide more engaging and immersive experiences than other traditional technologies. However, it does require higher upkeep and may require investments in the specific hardware and software needed. As the technology develops, more businesses will likely implement AR in their retail strategy, unlocking the potential for even better customer experiences.

Case Studies of Companies Using AR to Improve their Retail Experience

Augmented Reality (AR) is quickly becoming a popular tool for retailers to improve their customer experience. AR technology allows retailers to create more interactive shopping experiences, by incorporating virtual elements into their physical store. In this section, we will look at some successful case studies of companies that have implemented AR into their retail environments.

Case Study 1: Kiabi

Kiabi, a clothing retailer based in France, launched a virtual fitting room in its stores for customers to try on clothes without needing to physically try them on. Through the power of AR, customers could select items to “try on” and see what they would look like in the clothing. This allowed customers to quickly try on many different items without entering the fitting rooms, and made the shopping experience much more enjoyable.

Case Study 2: Blippar

Blippar, an AR company, partnered with Sephora to create an digital makeup app. With this app, customers could virtually try on different makeup products to see how it would look on them and purchase it from within the app. This allowed customers to quickly try out different products without having to go to the store.

Case Study 3: IKEA

IKEA developed a way to digitally recreate their store in customers’ homes. Using the IKEA Place app, customers can virtually place furniture and other items from IKEA in their home to see how it looks before purchasing. This allowed customers to get a better view of the product before buying, and ensured that the items would fit in their home.

These case studies demonstrate how powerful AR can be for retailers when used effectively. By digitally enhancing the customer’s shopping experience, companies can create unique experiences that can set them apart from their competitors.

It is clear that AR has great potential to be used in the retail industry and provide customers with an immersive shopping experience. The case studies above show that there are many different ways AR can be used in retail to make shopping more enjoyable and efficient for customers.

The Benefits and Drawbacks of Augmented Reality (AR) in the Retail Environment

Augmented Reality (AR) has been a growing area of interest for retailers. It provides new opportunities for interaction with customers, along with other advantages. However, like any technology, there are benefits and drawbacks associated with AR in the retail environment.

Benefits of AR in Retail

There are many potential benefits of using AR in the retail industry:

  • Customers can interact with products more deeply, getting a better understanding of what they are buying
  • Retailers can provide a more tailored experience to customers, customizing their shopping journey
  • Stores can create virtual demonstrations or simulated experiences for customers
  • AR can also facilitate customer service, providing customers with information on products quickly and intuitively

Drawbacks of AR in Retail

Although there are many benefits to using AR in retail, there are also drawbacks that should be considered:

  • AR technology can be expensive and requires specialized hardware, such as phones or computers
  • AR may require additional staff to set up and maintain the equipment, which can add to operational costs
  • AR is still a relatively new technology and some customers may not be comfortable with it, leading to a lack of engagement
  • The technology can also be complicated to use, which could lead to customer frustration

Augmented Reality has the potential to revolutionize the retail industry, however, it is important to consider both the benefits and drawbacks before investing in this technology. There are many potential benefits, such as improved customer engagement and tailored experiences. However, there are also drawbacks that should be taken into consideration, such as the cost of implementation and customer unfamiliarity.

Conclusion: The Benefits of Augmented Reality in Retail

In conclusion, it’s clear that Augmented Reality (AR) is a powerful tool for retailers. It can be used to create more engaging customer experiences, boost sales, and save money. AR can give shoppers more information and insights into products without having to consult an employee. It also allows customers to visualize how items look in their home, so they can make better buying decisions. Finally, AR technology can help streamline the check-out process, making it easier and faster for customers to purchase items.

Ultimately, AR is becoming an increasingly important part of the retail industry. It helps enhance the customer experience while also providing businesses with new opportunities for growth and profitability. By understanding the potential advantages and challenges associated with AR, businesses can make informed decisions on how to best leverage this technology for their own retail operations.

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Augmented Reality Trends of 2023: New Milestones in Immersive Technology Sat, 07 Jan 2023 09:36:19 +0000 Innovative technologies transform science fiction into reality, and AR is undoubtedly one of them. Holograms, like in the Star Wars and the Marvel movies, now surround us in the real world, bringing a new immersive experience, and it’s more than just entertainment. Today, augmented reality is an effective business tool. Trend #1: Leap into the […]

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Read Time:3 Minute, 14 Second

Innovative technologies transform science fiction into reality, and AR is undoubtedly one of them. Holograms, like in the Star Wars and the Marvel movies, now surround us in the real world, bringing a new immersive experience, and it’s more than just entertainment. Today, augmented reality is an effective business tool.

Trend #1: Leap into the Metaverse

It’s likely no surprise to you that augmented reality is being used alongside other metaverse technologies. The metaverse has barraged news media over this past year since Facebook’s ‘Meta’ rebranding. However, it’s not just marketing hogwash. One of the goals of using metaverse for business development is to strike down the barriers between the digital and physical worlds. Since augmented reality can display virtual objects embedded in our real world, various opportunities emerge for businesses and consumers alike. 


If we’re going to bring digital experiences into the real world, AR is a great start. Using body and face tracking, as well as advanced scene depth sensing, companies are already working on camera filters that accomplish this. Geenee AR and Ready Player Me partnered up to make this experience a reality. By inserting your avatar into Geenee’s WebAR Builder software, you can effectively ‘wear’ your avatar on camera. The software also takes into account cosmetic items on your Ready Player Me character, including accessories in the form of NFTs.

This technology isn’t new. It’s been seen in use with apps like Snapchat and Instagram for a long time. However, the innovative element is how the app allows users to drop their avatar that they use on other platforms into the app and use it in AR. In the future, this technology could be used to better hybridize virtual meetings. If one person on your team is using a VR headset to attend a meeting and you’re attending without a VR headset, an AR avatar of the person could represent them at your meeting. 

Spatial Audio

Although it may not seem like an augmented reality technology on the surface, spatial audio is very important for enhancing the immersion of AR experiences. Metaverse technologists are obsessed with including all of our five senses in the process, and our hearing is no exception. To make VR and AR experiences more immersive, 3D audio is needed. Users should be able to tell where a sound is coming from in 3D space based on their own position. 

Meta recently added an advanced engine to its AR Spark Studio to create sound effects by mixing multiple sounds. This allows creators to create multi-sensory effects that allow people to use both sight and sound to feel more immersed in the augmented reality experience. In this way, we can make sounds play in response to human interaction with our AR effect.

Taking Digital Items into the Real World

Metaverse fans love taking things from the digital world into the real world and vice versa with AR. This technology has actually been around since before the metaverse craze. For example, Meta is working on displaying digital collectibles in AR. All creators will need to do is import their NFTs as 2D virtual objects into Instagram Stories and combine them with “See in AR” functionality. This will open up new opportunities for collectors and creators to access and share their NFTs beyond their wallets and it will certainly quickly become one of the key augmented reality market trends in 2023.

There has also been some buzz about virtual art, or art from the real world being offered as AR experiences. For example, Sotheby’s, the fourth oldest auction house in the world, has begun offering AR experiences to bidders through an Instagram filter that allows them to see art up for auction up close and personal. Sotheby’s used this technology to sell a painting for $121.2 million. 

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Examples of augmented reality brand experiences Wed, 04 Jan 2023 09:29:38 +0000 1. Walmart – testing AR for inventory In October 2020, Walmart announced that it would be turning four of its physical retail stores into ‘test stores’ for the purpose of trying out new technology (with the aim of enhancing all stores to become both physical shopping destinations andonline fulfilment centres). An important element of these stores […]

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1. Walmart – testing AR for inventory

In October 2020, Walmart announced that it would be turning four of its physical retail stores into ‘test stores’ for the purpose of trying out new technology (with the aim of enhancing all stores to become both physical shopping destinations andonline fulfilment centres).

An important element of these stores is inventory control, with one test involving an app that is designed to speed up the time it takes to transport items from the backroom to the sales floor. The app uses augmented reality to do so, allowing employees to hold up a handheld device (which will then highlight the boxes ready to go), rather than scanning each individual box.

This is one example of augmented reality being used to enhance internal processes, effectively creating a more seamless and faster workflow. Despite not being visible to customers, Walmart says that “regardless, it’s the customer who will benefit”, with the technology ultimately helping to enhance the customer experience by putting more products on shelves, faster than before.

2. Snap – City Painter

In October 2020, Snap unveiled ‘City Painter’ in London’s Carnaby Street. The AR tool enables users to virtually spray paint above the street’s shops, decorating them with pre-created murals. One of the most unique aspects of ‘City Painter’ is that it is a shared augmented reality experience, meaning any changes that a person makes is seen in real-time by others using it.

‘City Painter’ is the first major example of Local Lenses – Snap’s ambition to create a shared virtual world by mapping major landmarks. In a promotional video the company explains that by “using various sources of data, 360-degree images, and community snaps – we are able to build up a digital representation of the physical world.”

As the tool progresses, there will undoubtedly be potential for brands to get involved, particularly tourism or travel brands that want to capitalise on the renewed consumer desire for exploration and adventure.

3. ASOS – ‘See My Fit’ 

Asos is no stranger to mobile innovation, having previously integrated visual search into its highly usable mobile app. By 2019, Asos had fully got on board with AR, launching an experimental AR feature called Virtual Catwalk, designed to help app users visualise 100 Asos Design products.

As the pandemic hit in 2020, models and photographers were forced to work from home, resulting in Asos’ decision to scale up use of ‘See My Fit’ technology – which uses augmented reality to ’digitally fit’ clothing onto models. 

As well as allowing Asos to solve a pressing issue – enabling the website to be rapidly updated with new inventory on a weekly basis – ‘See My Fit’ also serves to enhance the customer experience, by showing shoppers how products realistically look in different sizes and on different body types. In turn, this experience can help to drive sales as well as reduce returns.

Asos’ digital innovation has certainly contributed to its success over the past 18 months, culminating in revenues jumping 24% in the six months to the end of February 2021.

4. Pull & Bear – video game

Inditex, the owner of retail brand Pull & Bear, has launched ‘Pacific Game’ – an AR game created in collaboration with Facebook’s ‘Creative Shop’. The game involves a virtual trip from California to Tokyo, during which users then move their heads in order to dodge obstacles and collect points along the way.

Largely designed for social media, the game is available to play through Instagram and Facebook as well as the retailer’s own website. On Instagram, specifically, users can play through Instagram’s front camera feature.

While luxury fashion retailers like Gucci and Moschino have already expanded into the gaming market, this marks one of the first examples of a more affordable brand doing so, with the aim of reaching the 90% of Generation Z who are also gamers.

5. Burberry – Olympia Pop Up at Harrods

Retail brands are re-imagining AR experiences in order to bring customers back to stores, post-pandemic. Burberry is one such example, recently launching a pop-up AR experience in Harrods to coincide with the launch of its new Olympia bag. Using a QR code found in-store, customers will be able to watch the Elphis statue walk around in their surroundings, as well as take a photo or video to share with friends.

While this type of experience has certainly been done before – and adds little more than a bit of immersive excitement to the shopping experience – AR has taken on a new importance for both brands and consumers in the wake of Covid-19. And the hope is that it will draw luxury consumers back into physical stores as lockdown measures lift.

According to Burberry, “the experience is the latest in a series of activations exploring the relationship between physical and digital experiences to create exciting new concepts for our community and enhance the luxury experience.”

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